
How to be a good student

  1. Be organized. Buy a binder. Buy a pencil case and put all your supplies in there. Buy a planner or an agenda. Make sure your locker is clean. Use your student handbook to mark events, homework and big projects.
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  2. Dress nicely. It shows respect. Don't wear clothes that are too small or too big. If you have a uniform, wear it neatly.
  3. Pay attention. Make sure you have done your homework and take notes. Show that you are a willing participant and that you are eager to learn. If you do not understand don't be afraid to ask the teacher.
    at all times and be prepared in class
  4. Do not procrastinate. Leaving until later what could be done today is asking for trouble and crammed results. If a report is due by Monday and you've had three weeks to do it, don't wait until Sunday. Try to work on it daily for a while until you are finish with the report.
  5. Participate in class discussions. When you have something to share, raise your hand.
  6. Work ahead of the class work. Read further than the chapter in class. If you want to take the lead in your class you need to work hard! (Sometimes, teachers don't want you to read ahead, so this is not always a good idea.)
  7. Do your homework. Do homework consistently and methodically. Make sure that you proofread and double check your spelling and facts.
  8. Prepare for upcoming tests and quizzes and everything else in between. Fill out the study guides if they are supplied, or make your own guides.
  9. Get yourself in a good habit of waking up a little earlier. This will allow you to have a good breakfast so you can learn better. Feeling refreshed and awake are perfect studying conditions.
  10. Study in a quiet, non-distracting environment. Distractions during study time will make your studying less effective. This includes TV, people talking, the radio, and some music etc. - anything that is taking your mind off the task at hand.
  11. Repeat newly registered information quietly out loud. This will enable you to remember it more easily.
  12. Remain calm during tests. Breathe deep breaths when the test is being handed out and keep a calm and focused approach as you go through the questions. If you have studied well, you will know the answers, so don't panic.
  13. Skip the hard parts of a test. In a test, if you are some times struggling with a particular question. Skip it and continue with the next ones that you can easily answer. After you have finished all the questions that you are certain about, return to finish the difficult ones. Use the process of elimination on questions where you are not sure, and guess when you can't logically narrow it down any further.
  14. Help new students. If you see someone being mean to a newbie, stand up for them. Get yourself known as a great friend and helpful person and people will respect you. Besides, if they can rely on you to help them, chances are you can rely on them when you need help.
    find their way around, and be a friend to them
  15. Join clubs and extra-curricular activities such as the school sports teams, drama clubs and other things that might put on performances for the local community, or have competitions against other schools. However, it is proven that people with 3-5 extra-curricular activities do better in school, so don't over-load your schedule, but don't be anti-social.
  16. Be nice. Listen when they talk. Don't dominate conversations by going on and on about yourself. If someone looks upset and is on their own, go and check on them. Invite them to hang out with you. If someone is sitting alone at lunch, invite them to sit with you, or go to sit with them. Perhaps they're very insecure, or have no friends. If you befriend them, you can help them gain confidence in themselves. If they're on their own because they have no friends, chat to them, invite them to go shopping with your friends or to a movie. Ask questions about them: remember, almost everyone's favorite topic is themselves. This follows on from the earlier step of helping new students: people will feel like they belong, and they'll feel happier and more comfortable in front of people, rather than a sad little loner.
    to everyone
  17. Run for class president. Something along those lines. Even if you think it's geeky, have a go! It's a really honorable position to be.
    and/or school council
  18. Go to school with the attitude to learn! If you are thinking that you will totally fail the test, think again! When you learn something new, you will get smarter every day.

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